About Leading Edge

Leading Edge is Girl Guides Australia’s premier leadership program for women aged 16 to 20. The Program comprises two parts – a seminar held in April 2014, and a Leader Skills Project completed by participants after the event and before September 2014.

Run over 7 days, the Leading Edge seminar is an intensive leadership and personal development event for young women aged 16-20. Sessions will be varied and tailored to suit the group needs. The topics will include areas which increase the leadership skills of the participants and prepare the participants to embark on their Leader Skills project. The topics include: goal setting, effective decision making, team building, communication, problem solving, financial planning, time management etc.

The Leader Skills Project is a project of the participant’s choosing and is an opportunity to put into practice all that they have learnt at Leading Edge. A Leader Skills Project is any short term project that will requires the participant to use goal setting, decision making, communication, and time management skills.

The aim of the Program is to increase the leadership skills of young women who have already demonstrated leadership potential as members of Girl Guides Australia. The Program also develops self-confidence, builds self-esteem and provides participants with an opportunity to enhance various aspects of their personal development.

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